“TTFREE” or “TTFREE-2.4G” is the SSID name for the Taitung free wireless network service.
TTFREE services public areas in Taitung County such as government administrative centers, buses, and other major tourist attractions. You can click on the “Search Hotspot” button on the TTFREE official website https://tt-free.taitung.gov.tw/ to find all the available hotspots near you.
You can get unlimited free internet coverage anytime and anywhere as long as you are within the TTFREE coverage range.
Anyone who needs internet service - whether you are a local Taitung resident or just visiting Taitung- as long as you are in the coverage area, you can log onto TTFREE’s unlimited free internet service with your smartphone, tablet or laptop devices.
If you have problems while using TTFREE, please contact our 24-hour free customer service hotline by calling "0800-017-027" , "02-2717-1177" or click on the “Troubleshoot” button on the official website for assistance.
As long as you can find the TTFREE Wi-Fi signal, you can log in by verifying your Facebook, LINE or cell phone number.
When you open your browser (chrome or safari), the page will automatically take you to the TTFREE login/verification page. If the page does not automatically open, you can call the 24-hour free customer service hotline 0800-017-027 or contact customer service online for further assistance.
Each TTFREE WiFi network has its own coverage range. Once you are out of that particular TTFREE hotspot range, you will automatically be disconnected. To ensure optimal coverage, you are advised to stay within the coverage range for the hotspot near you.
Once you have logged onto TTFREE for two hours, you will be automatically logged out. This is to ensure the quality and efficiency of the overall network system and bandwidth resource distribution. Should you require additional internet service after the initial two hours, you can reconnect to the hotspot by signing in again.
TTFREE is a free public WiFi internet service provided by the Taitung County Government. Therefore we must comply with the government agencies’ standards for cyber security management; websites with restricted contents (for example pornography, violence, etc.) will be blocked while using the TTFree network. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.